Pump Installation

At Leo Van De Yacht Well Drilling, Inc. we offer a variety of different pump and pressure systems to suit your needs. Pump systems are tailored specifically to your household needs based on the information you give us at the time of installation.

There a basically two types of systems on the market today. The traditional pump system, which relies on a pressure tank to build pressure in the system and the constant pressure system, which relies on a variable speed pump to maintain a constant pressure in the house. Below you will find pictures and information about each of these systems.

Traditional Pressure System

Traditional Pressure System

Make: Franklin Electric Pump and Flexcon Pressure Tank
Warranty: 1 Year Labor, 5 Years On Pump, Tank, And All Parts

Traditional pressure systems rely on a large pressure tank and a mechanical pressure switch to create pressure in your household. The most common pressure switch is factory preset at a 40/60 PSI differential. What this means is that the pump will turn on when the system pressure is at 40 PSI (this means the tank is empty). The pump will then stay running, usually 45 seconds to 1 minute, until the system pressure is at 60 PSI (this means the tank is full). As water is used in your household, the pressure in the system will slowly decrease until 40 PSI is reached, at which time the pump will turn on again. Although we say that the pressure tank is full at 60 PSI, only about 1/3 of the tank will actually be filled with water as the other 2/3 of the tank is where the air bladder resides. The most common pump model is 10-12 G.P.M. but higher volume pumps can be installed if household usage is greater.

Make: Grundfos Pump and Well-X-Trol or Flexcon Pressure Tank
Warranty: 1 Year Labor, 5 Years On Pump, Tank, And All Parts

Constant pressure systems are relativly new to the industry compared to traditional systems. Over the past 5 years however, they have proven themselves to be a reliable and effective alternative. Several companies have introduced constant pressure systems in the last couple of years but the clear leader in the industry is Grundfos. These systems rely on an electronic transducer to sense pressure in the system. A control box is mounted in the basement and a desired pressure (i.e. 60 PSI) is set by the homeowner. As water is used, the transducer relays the pressure information to the control box which talks to the variable speed pump and tells it how fast it needs to spin to create the desired pressure. Basically what this system does is provides “city like” water pressure to people with private wells. The most common Grundfos pump models are either 15 G.P.M. or 22 G.P.M. and a decision as to which model is right for you is based on your household usage.